Snack and Sweet Box and goodies distribution on the occassion of diwali to the people living i kolkata slums on 25th october 2019
The people living in slum areas are completely isolated from the main stream society and they have only one task to seek one or two meals. For such a section we at Prayaas 2 help had thought to distribute snacks & sweets and goodies to people living in slum areas of Kolkata.

30 members of team Prayaas had planned a late evening distribution drive to various Kolkata slums to distribute sweet, snacks box and goodies (viz. Kachori, 4 sweets, bhujia) to people living in slums / streets of Kolkata. The event was beautifully planned to cover different areas of the city of Kolkata and in record breaking 4 hours 2100 number of boxes were distributed. The event was a big achievement for team Prayaas considering the quantity of distributed boxes. Entire participating team experienced a bliss after completing the distribution on 25th midnight and seeing the joy and smile on the face of people after receiving the boxes. We would like to conclude with the following quote by Winston Churchill which is apt to the occasion.

“We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give — Winston Churchill”
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